I’m Nena Mendlovic

Thinker, Feeler, Soldier, Sailor, Copywriter.

God created the light, darkness, 7 wonders, infinite land, foolish kings, and breeding cattle.

Then humanity created the printing press, Campbell’s soup cans, the internet, and TikTok dances. Somewhere in between, I found my calling: to take all the chaos, patterns, and beauty in the world and turn it into work that means something.

I write with the conviction of someone who believes words can change the world, and the audacity to think they should.

What I'm saying is, I’m a partner in creation.

My job is to write something that matters. To you, your audience, and anyone who stumbles across it a century from now.

I believe art isn’t meant to be imprisoned. It’s not meant to be tucked away behind velvet ropes, suffocating in glass cases like a butterfly pinned to a board, its wings stilled forever. Real art should breathe. It should live among the people. It should provoke, disrupt, and make people pause mid-step and reconsider their ‘whys.’

I look at words, like an art form. And art should never beg for relevance.

It should demand it.

My copy doesn’t get preserved in climate-controlled vaults to be wheeled out once a decade for a gala attended by people who care more about hors d’oeuvres than the piece itself. My art crashes through the glass, unapologetically raw and alive. It’s messy, it’s visceral, it’s right there. You don’t just see it, you feel it. And it takes up space.

I write the kind of copy that makes you question things you didn’t even know you were comfortable with.

Why do we value what we value?

Why are we drawn to certain things and repelled by others?

Why do we ignore some voices and amplify others?

My work doesn’t give you answers it hands you a mirror and asks, “What do you see?” “How does that make you feel?” & “What will you do about that?”

What will you get when working with me?

My All.

Are we kindred souls? Are you into astrology? (I’m a Gemini.) Do you like cigarettes? Do we have potential to create something great together? How can I be of help?

Work experience

Lead Copywriter 
(Sep 2023 - Jan 2025)

Media OTG
Williamsburg, Brooklyn

English Language Arts Teacher
(Sep 2022—June 2023)

Bais Yaakov
Boro Park, Brooklyn

English Language Arts Teacher 
(Sep 2019- June 2022)

Beth Jacob
Lower East Side

Freelance Copywriter 



Copytribe Course, Michal E.


Excelsior College


Nena Mendlovic

Brooklyn, NY | (347) 314-4649 | nenamendlovic@gmail.com

© Nena Mendlovic 2025